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2nd Engineer Jobs

5 new jobs for today for 2nd Engineer

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The 2nd Engineer, also known as First Assistant Engineer, is the crew staff-member that looks after the operations and daily maintenance of the engine. The Second Engineer reports directly to the Chief Engineer. After the Chief Engineer, the Second Engineer’s role is by far more critical and important than any other staffer on the Vessel or at an Offshore Drilling Platform. The demand for qualified 2nd Engineers is growing fast, due to the discovery of offshore oil wells, world-wide transport and logistics across the globe.

There’s ample opportunity for any graduate who feels passionate about sailing on the high seas, or for the ones who like to work on an offshore oil rig. The job of 2nd engineer is more of a supervisory than of a technical nature and generally its description consists of the following:

  • Looking after the Main Engines
  • Being responsible for the Platform’s overall control, after the Chief Engineer
  • Preparing of the engine room - for departure, standby and arrival, or during overseas hauls.

The shift of a Marine Engineer 2nd class starts at 08.00 am and it finishes at 17.00 pm. At times, this officer is expected to work extra hours, which depends on the prevailing situation. For a smooth functioning of the vessel, the 2nd Engineer coordinates the 3rd Engineers, 4th Engineers and the other junior engineers.

Offshore 2nd engineer jobs include the next responsibilities:

  • The supervision of the technical staff and trainees,
  • conducting Toolbox Meetings,
  • implementing the works assigned by the Chief Engineer,
  • keeping a clear update on the condition of the engine room, the deck and on the need for maintenance or repair.

Various state-owned and private companies are aggressively expanding their interests in Offshore Drilling and Marine Engineering. Over the next decade, this expansion is expected to create hundreds of 2nd engineer jobs, to be occupied by qualified and skillful graduates. Many national governments are setting up special Skill Development centers to train students for 2nd Engineering Offshore jobs, in order to ensure that the 2nd engineer of the future will match the demand. Hence, reducing any unemployment among skilled and educated graduates.

The high demand for 2nd engineer jobs offshore is also supported by the discovery of new offshore oil fields. Soon there will be a shortage of 2nd engineer offshore graduates, which urgently needs to be filled in by graduates deriving from Skill Development Centers anywhere in the world. A high percentage of 2nd engineer vacancies comes from countries like the USA, Canada, China or the Arab World. The main reason for this large number of 2nd engineer vacancies from these regions is that, several world powers are engaged in building up or strengthening their naval potential.

Marine Engineer class 2 jobs and 2nd Engineer Offshore jobs are paid a pretty fair amount of money. This, however, depends mainly upon the company for whom they work for, and most importantly the academic qualification and skills of the candidate.

On average the Offshore 2nd Engineer's salary for working on a cargo vessel can be anywhere between US $65,000 to US $96,000, basesd on experience. The 2nd Engineer Marine's salary is roughly US $55,000, all depends on the company he/she will be working for. Salaries are getting higher in any situation, where the 2nd  engineer's job becomes more complex, and the demanded experience bigger. 

Based on the candidate’s performance and experience, some companies pay as much as US $100,000 annually. A new graduate, who is setting out his career path within the industry of Marine Engineering and Offshore Drilling, can by definition expect fair salaries, while being in the process of further developing his/her career.

Those well paid salaries go together with long leave periods. Especially, the personnel on vessels can expect to be onboard for about 6-7 months. On the other hand, they might be off  duty the rest of the year. Workers in the offshore industry have about 26 weeks leave per year.

With great future prospects, both in terms of career as income development, many graduates are focusing on Marine Engineering and Offshore Drilling. If you are looking for an offshore career, you should consider a 2nd engineer job.