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Able Seaman Jobs

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Big and busy vessels hire an Able Body Seaman. In the navy this seaman is placed just above the ordinary sailor. His job description varies from one organization to another.

The Able Body Seaman works on deck and has various tasks, such as keeping watch or carrying out maintenance on equipment and materials. The Able Body Seaman understands the marine operations safety principles, while he might be required to assist in inspections of the vessel, the docking procedures, fueling procedures, crane operations, as well as loading and offloading. Sometimes, he can be asked to assist the captain navigating.

Able Body Seamen are required to wear necessary personal protection gear. In other cases, they might be have to work overtime.

Without a high school education one cannot become Able Bodied Seaman. Having experience in working with navigation equipment is another strict requirement. They might need to have several certificates, for instance, for travel purposes, or, in order to underline their abilities during safety procedures. Before being fully certified they must take several tests. One of the most essential credentials of the Able Body Seaman is the Transportation Worker Identification Certification card. Last but not least, depending on location, one ought to communicate in English.

To gain necessary experience, they need to have worked in a ship for at least six months. This six month period is essential for an AB-Sail, AB-Fishing Industry (FISH IND) and AB-Offshore Supply Vessel (OSV) positions. There are school ships that conduct the training of sailors, while offering them the opportunity to gain work experience. Applicants coming from those ships might have a head start compared to less experienced sailors. To qualify for an AM-Mobile Offshore Unit (MOU) position, one needs to have worked on board of, at least, a 65-feet vessel, for a period of twelve months. An AB-Limited position requires eighteen months of experience, while AB-Unlimited position asks for a three-year-experience.

In general, Able Body Seaman jobs are posted on the Internet, on various job posting sites. They are also published on military websites, government security department websites or they can be found on websites run by sea companies, which are looking for personal. The application procedure differs from one company to another, for instance some organizations may ask applicants to directly respond by email, while others might require them to undergo a test prior to employment.

The salary of an Able Body Seaman varies from one organization to another and differs per location, experience, qualification or specific duties. The working schedule of an Able Body Seaman depends on the hiring company. But, here’s a good example: a 28/28 time table with paid off-leave. The starting salary of the Able Body Seaman is about US $ 5,5182 per year. The highest rank in an Able Body Seaman job is that of the AB-Unlimited Seaman.

After a certain period of time, some companies offer a retirement plan, while others offer perks such as medical plans: dental, vision and disability insurance.