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Motorman/Oiler Jobs

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When it comes down to smoothly running a ship, the Motorman is a rather important crew member. The number one reason of hiring this kind of seafarer is to fully ensure that all the engines are functioning properly. The Motorman might be required to help the rest of the engineering team out and ensure that especially on open waters nothing goes wrong. 

Without a sense of a doubt, there are quite a lot Motorman vacancies, multifarious jobs descriptions and responsibilities. Nevertheless, a Motorman’s unique contribution on board is checking whether all moving parts of the engine are running or not. One has to ensure the cleaning of the oil tanks or pump rooms, apart from the regular maintenance and the upkeep of the entire engine room. Occasionally, the Motorman’s vacancy is intertwined with that of an Oiler’s job description. When one applies for such a job, working as Oiler will have its own advantages and benefits.

A global world, in which trade and commerce between nations are expanding, forms the background for the movement of ships; both cargo and passenger. Consequently, against every land based ‘Motorman’ vacancy you can find several offshore ones. Hence, if you are ready to move away, from the amineties of your home, it is very well possible that you’ll find yourself in a pretty well-paid job. A motorman offshore job will pay at least 50 to 60% more than any regular job.

There are various ways someone can run into a job ad for a Motorman, whether this might be offshore or land based. In the print media and on the Internet many reputed companies advertise with this kind of job. Signing up at some of the job agencies that are specialized in high sea jobs could be the best way forward. These agencies can send you relevant vacancies, taking your age, experience and qualifications into account.

They might find you a job at a company where the top of a Motorman’s salary is paid. Talking about salaries, these range around US $20 to US $40 per hour, depending on experience and expertise. There might be perks like: free food, uniforms, paid holidays, superannuation and various other benefits.

At the end of the day, it’s no doubt that applying for a Motorman’s job will be rewarding and exciting.